Meet Gia, author, podcaster, facilitator and creator!

Gia Duke is the author of Get Your Heart On: The How-To Guide for People Who Want to Make a Difference. A passionate humanitarian and advocate for non-profit and charity work, Gia has raised both awareness and funds, secured grants for and founded a non-profit for foster youth, and has worked directly with animal rescue organizations. She has raised thousands of dollars and contributed hundreds of hours to causes in her community and across the globe. Through her work as a podcaster, facilitator, and creator of the Revolution Super Love movement, she is on a mission to brighten the world by creating more love, compassion, and understanding.



What did you want to be when you grew up?
”As a little girl I wanted to join the circus and fly on the trapeze and I used to write jingles for commercials and sing them with passion into my mom's tape recorder or perform SNL skits over the weekend just for fun. The college me used to say I wanted to be a spokesperson for a company that was making a difference.” 

What 2020 has taught you about your business, or being an entrepreneur in general?
”How important self-care is if you’re a compassion/empathy-driven person. You gotta take care of you first before you can help others.”

Anything you want to say to “Women In Business”? Or those that aspire to start a business?

“Don’t let someone tell you it can only be done one way. There isn’t one way, only your way.”

Female Founded Brands Gia Loves:

·         Sarah Steckler // Productivity Strategist // @mindfulproductivityblog/

·         Deanna B // Personal Trainer // @justmovefitnesssf/

·         Ananda Gellock // Commercial Real Estate & Business Broker Seattle // @realananda

Charities Gia Supports:

·         Project Open Paw: Our mission is to provide food + vet care to the pets of the homeless. (San Francisco) @projectopenpaw

·         One Simple Wish : Spreading love, hope & joy to those impacted by #fostercare, one simple wish at a time. No one ever ages out. Grant a wish. Change a life. @onesimplewish

·         The Cupcake Girls : We provide confidential support + holistic resources to individuals working in the adult industry and aftercare to those affected by sex trafficking. (Las Vegas) @cupcakegirlsorg


Meet Michelle, best selling Author, Podcaster & Wholesome Food Guru!


Meet Emma, Registered Acupuncturist & Practitioner of Chinese Medicine